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Ramzi Diburu Kerana Mengugut Rosol? May 12, 2009

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kerajaan, Kuala Terengganu, Melayu, politik, Terengganu, UMNO.
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Maka Dr. Ramzi kini menjadi buruan polis bagi siasatan kes ugutan SMS kepada 3 orang ahli DUN Terengganu. Dari seorang setiausaha politik, kemudian kalah pilihanraya, akhirnya Datuk ini diburu polis. Apa hal ni?

Rakyat Terengganu umumnya menjadi tertanya-tanya:

  • Ramzi bekas SetPol Idris Jusoh semasa menjawat MB dulu
  • Ramzi kini diburu polis untuk siasatan kes SMS ugutan
  • Ramzi dipilih oleh bosnya bertanding lawan Haji Hadi – mengenepikan Man Bakar (giant-killer yang pernah kalahkan Haji Hadi)
  • Kes ugutan ialah pasal undi tidak percaya terhadap MB Ahmad Said
  • 3 ahli DUN yang terima SMS ugutan adalah dikatakan penyokong Idris Jusoh
  • 3 ahli DUN ini bersama beberapa lagi yang lain boikot sidang DUN kerana takut keselamatan mereka
  • Dulu dikatakan SMS tersebut dikirim dari pejabat MB Ahmad Said – kini polis dah buktikan tidak benar

Tetapi bagi mereka yang sudah boleh baca mainan politik ini – sudah tersenyum akan pergerakan mereka …

Jadi siapa sebenarnya ugut siapa? Apakah benar ini perancangan yang lebih besar hasil permainan Idris? Semakin kita teliti semakin aneh pergolakan politik UMNO di Terengganu.

“Oghang barat duk berlawang dengan oghang timur oghang kite jugok merana” kata seorang pakcik ketika berceritakan pertelingkahan antara mereka yang meyokong kem Besut dan kem Kemaman. Yang mana secara kebetulan Terengganu sudah sekian lama di perintah dari antara tokoh-tokoh dari Besut dan Kemaman – yang mana pertelingkahan antara mereka subur sepanjang masa – dengan strategi “peteh keting” dan slogan “padang muka“. Yang merana akhirnya mereka di Kuala Terengganu. Apakah UMNO ketandusan ketokohan seperti Ibrahim Fikri?

Sedih melihat suasana begini. Apakah anak seorangbekas mufti terlibat dengan politik kotor sebegini?

Sekian, IB

Krisis politik Terengganu menghala ke arah pembubaran Dun? April 23, 2009

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kerajaan, Kuala Terengganu, Melayu, politik, UMNO.
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dipetik dari Harakahdaily

BESUT, 23 April (Hrkh) – Mungkinkah krisis politik yang melanda Terengganu sekarang akan membawa kepada pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun).

Ia dianggap sebagai langkah selamat bagi meredakan keadaan.

Teori itu boleh menjadi kenyataan sekiranya Dato’ Ahmad Said digugurkan sebagai pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Terengganu. Ahmad tentunya tidak akan mudah menyerah kalah.

Apa yang berlaku di negeri minyak tersebut hampir serupa dengan situasi di Perak apabila Menteri Besar cuba disingkirkan.

Biar apa pun krisis politik dalaman Umno Terengganu mungkin tambah membesar esok.

Pengumuman siapa dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Negeri akan menentukan pemenang di antara Ahmad atau Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh.

Atau kedua-duanya terpinggir. Mungkin juga tokoh baru akan muncul dari kalangan 22 Adun Barisan Nasional (BN yang ada sekarang.

Sekiranya telahan itu menjadi kenyataan selepas mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno esok, Terengganu sudah pasti akan mendapat Menteri Besar yang baru tidak lama lagi.

Kedudukan Ahmad sudah goyang ekoran 10 Adun BN yang pro Idris memulaukan persidangan Dun baru-baru ini.

Dan keadaan tambah celaru apabila tiga rakan mereka dikatakan menerima ugutan bunuh melalui SMS yang hantar seorang individu.

SMS tersebut dikatakan sebagai tindak balas memandangkan ada hasrat Adun terbabit membawa usul undi tidak percaya terhadap Ahmad di persidangan Dun baru-baru ini.

Manakala Idris pula tidak disenangi pihak istana biar pun menang sebagai anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno pada perhimpunan Mac lalu.

Anggota Parlimen Machang, Saifuddin Nasition Ismail berkata, Terengganu hampir pasti akan mendapat menteri besar baru selepas Mei ini sekiranya Ahmad tidak dilantik semula sebagai Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Negeri.

“Mungkin muka baru dari kalangan Adun BN akan dilantik ke jawatan tersebut.

“Adun yang akan dilantik nanti boleh jadi bukan lagi Ahmad dan Idris sebaliknya salah seorang daripada 22 Adun BN,” katanya pada ceramah di Markaz PAS Dun Hulu Besut di Kampung Lubok Kawah, malam tadi.

Bagaimanapun katanya adakah Ahmad akan menyerah kalah begitu sahaja tanpa menggunakan kuasa membawa ke arah pembubaran Dun.

Spekulasi pertukaran jawatan menteri besar bertiup kencang di Terengganu ekoran krisis perebutan kuasa di antara Idris dan Ahmad.

Ahmad dilantik sebagai menteri besar selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 Mac tahun lalu memandangkan pihak istana tidak berkenan kepada Idris.

Saifuddin yang juga Pengarah Strategik KeADILan berkata, pemulauan 10 Adun BN pada persidangan Dun baru-baru ini menyebabkan lapan Adun PAS menguasai keadaan.

“Selepas Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi berucap, Dr Syed Azman pula bangun diikuti Haji Wahid Endut, Ustaz Harun Taib dan lain-lain lagi Adun PAS,” katanya.

Krisis kepemimpinan kerajaan Terengganu terus berlarutan apabila Adun pro Idris mendesak Ahmad meletak jawatan kerana mereka mendakwa memperolehi sokongan 18 Adun BN.

Ahmad sebelum ini pernah mengugut akan memecat mana-mana Adun yang membawa usul undi tidak percaya terhadapnya. – mj _

Mat Said Terselamat? April 15, 2009

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kerajaan, Melayu, politik, Terengganu.
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Nampaknya Mat Said terselamat kali ini. Diselamatkan Najib – dengan amarannya supaya kesepuluh ADUN hadir hari ini?

Walau apa pun Mat Said sudah pun terlepas dari menjadi MB yang paling singkat dalam sejarah negeri Terengganu. Dia sudah melebehi setahun. MB tersingkat pemerintahannya ialah apabila Terengganu benar-benar ketandusan pemimpin lebih 35 tahun lalu apabila Mahmud terpaksa diletakkan menjadi MB (sementara) apabila krisis dalam UMNO negeri dengan persekutuan pada ketika itu menyebabkan Ibrahim Fikri meletak jawatan.

Mahmud hanya jadi MB untuk setahun. Sekurangnya MB Said dah lebih sikit daripada Mahmud.

IB hairan memerhatikan Rasol 1 … dulu nak letak jawatan … tak jadi. Sekarang ni tak nak pergi sidang DUN … pergi pulak hari ini.

Mungkin sudah agak sukar untuk kedua-dua kem (Derih dan Mat Said) ini untuk berbaik. Malah yang jadi peliknya untuk negeri Terengganu ni … yang duduk berbaloh sokmo antara orang utara (Besut) dengan orang selatan (Kemamang).

Zamang Wang Mokhtar (Kemamang) tak boleh ngam dengan Yusof Nor (Besut) – bbaloh hanyar kata orang.

Leni, pun gitu juga. Cuma yang peliknya anok Ayah Wang ikut orang Besut pulak.

Analisa dalam The Star di bawah agak menarik.

Sekian, IB

[p.s. maaf ulasan di atas tak seberapa sangat … serabut merenung nasib bangsa dan rakyat yang terumbang-ambing akibat pemimpin yang bertelagah – bukan sahaja di Terengganu …]

On shaky ground

Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said may be facing mounting pressure following a show of defiance against him by his own assemblymen.

MENTRI Besar Datuk Ahmad Said’s body language was quite defensive when he arrived at the Terengganu Legislative Assembly yesterday.

For several weeks now, he had been plagued by rumours that his own assemblymen were plotting to move a motion of no-confidence against him at the assembly sitting and he was probably expecting the worst as he took his seat.

His state exco members were in their places but the entire stretch of seats for the Barisan Nasional backbenchers were empty. His Barisan backbenchers had decided not to attend the sitting and it seemed like he had escaped the attempt at a no-confidence vote.

Either way, it was not good for him and it was embarrassing especially with the PAS assemblymen and the media gallery watching on.

A rebellion against his leadership as the Mentri Besar was truly on the boil.

The Terengganu Government is predominantly Umno, with only one MCA assemblyman. As such, an opposition against him from the ranks also undermines his position as the state Umno chief.

Ahmad, who became Mentri Besar just a little over a year ago, is on shaky ground.

Talk of a no-confidence move against his leadership had been brewing for some time.

A week before the assembly sitting, he lost his temper at a meeting and told those present that he was aware of what they were up to. He warned that he would fight back and would even sack the trouble-makers if he had to.

“We just listened. There is no point arguing with him when he is in one of his moods,” said one of the assemblymen.

Ahmad’s appointment as Mentri Besar had come on the heels of a political crisis in the state.

Umno wanted the technocratic Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh to be reappointed but the Terengganu palace had preferred Ahmad.

Idris was a dynamic Mentri Besar. He made an impact in his first term and implemented some high profile, albeit controversial, projects.

Ahmad has struggled to fill Idris’ shoes and spent most his first year on the job running down his predecessor’s work especially the wasteful Monsoon Cup.

People initially put up with his rhetoric but once the honeymoon ran out, he came under pressure to perform and deliver. And that was when his real problems began.

Ahmad is essentially a good grassroots politician but running a state as big and complex as Terengganu calls for much more.

Many in Terengganu were critical of Idris’ fast track mode of doing thing and of his association with various political and business figures. But under Ahmad, they felt the state had receded again into the backwaters.

The loss of the Kuala Terengganu by-election to PAS was also a blow to Ahmad’s standing.

Ahmad had also been unable to engage the assemblymen who were aligned to Idris. His abrasive style alienated many of them.

Then a few months ago, he undertook some drastic reshuffling in the state civil service as well as the government-linked corporations that resulted in political costs for him and resentment among many quarters.

More recently, there was talk that he had fallen out of favour with the palace, a perception reinforced by the open rebellion against him. The assemblymen, it is said, would not have been so bold if they did not sense that Ahmad had lost the support of the palace.

Some believe that the rebels are trying to send a message to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Terengganu is known as a swing state. Seats here are often won by very narrow majorities and it does not take much for the people to take their votes from one side to the other.

Ahmad’s opponents are probably trying to tell Najib that unless there is change in the Terengganu leadership, the state may swing to PAS in the next general election.

The assemblymen who were absent held a press conference to explain their absence, holding up their handphones to show reporters the threatening SMS messages that some of them had received the night before.

They will return to the assembly sitting today after assurances from the police but the stalemate between Ahmad and them is likely to drag on.

Ahmad may have escaped an attempt at a no-confidence vote but he has lost the confidence of a substantial number of his assemblymen.

Terengganu has 32 state seats of which 24 are held by the Barisan. Of these, 10 are openly opposed to him and apparently not all of the exco members are with him although they had dutifully turned up at the assembly sitting yesterday.

Ahmad came to power on the crest of a controversy and it looks like he is being pressured to go under equally controversial circumstances. But he is a street-fighter type of politician and he will fight to stay. What about his opponents?

“We will leave it in the hands of God and the party president,” said Ajil assemblyman Datuk Rosol Wahid.

Terengganu Lebih Parah Dari Perak April 14, 2009

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kerajaan, Kuala Terengganu, Melayu, politik, Terengganu, UMNO.
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Menurut seorang ahli politik veteran Terengganu, sebenarnya kemelut di Terengganu adalah lebih parah dari apa yang kini dihadapi oleh kerajaan negeri Perak. Ini kalau mengikut versi UMNO.

Ianya bermakna, bagi orang UMNO, krisis di Perak adalah suatu krisis perlembagaan tetapi sekurangnya mereka telah pun “kembali berkuasa”. Walhal, krisis di Terengganu, ianya lebih parah kerana ianya krisis dalaman mereka sendiri. Krisis akibat perpecahan di kalangan ahli DUN mereka – atau perpecahan di kalangan ahli dan pemimpin di seluruh negeri. Krisis kepimpinan. Krisis kepercayaan sesama mereka.

Jika tersilap susun dan percaturan, mereka mungkin kehilangan negeri. Contoh sudah mereka tunjukkan bahawa ahli DUN sesuatu parti tidak perlu masuk parti. Cukup sekadar menjadi ahli bebas sudah cukup untuk menghasilkan peralihan kuasa.terengganu-in-crisis

Terdapat 14 ahli DUN yang masih bersama Mat Said. 10 yang bersama Derih dan Rasool. PAS mempunyai 8 orang. Memang cukup untuk berlaku peralihan kuasa. Malah mempunyai majoriti lebih besar dari Perak yang mereka perolehi akibat tindakan menjadi wakil bebas hanya oleh 3 orang.

Apa yang berlaku sekarang mungkin akibat sesuatu yang dijanjikan oleh Pak Lah dan Najib kepada Derih ketika terpaksa akur dengan keputusan Tuanku Mizan. Janji yang belum tertunai? Atau akibat 10 orang tersebut melopong kerana tersekat dana dan projek?

Veteran ini mempunyai banyak lagi ceritanya. Ada kesempatan, IB akan panjangkan.

Sekian, IB

petikan NST:

Terengganu in crisis as BN reps avoid assembly


4.50pm: Barely 10 hours after three Umno assemblymen lodged police reports over death threats they received via SMS, the second day of the state assembly sitting today was rocked by the absence of 10 assemblymen during the morning session. Eight BN assemblymen failed to return for the afternoon session though two, including Jertih assemblyman and former Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, attended in the afternoon.

The eight who stayed away are Datuk Rosol Wahid (Ajil), Datuk Din Adam (Bukit Besi, Alias Abdullah (Alur Limbat, Ramlan Ali (Jabi), Mohd Ariffin Abdullah (Paka), Muhammad Ramli Nuh (Tepoh), Mohd Zawawi Ismail (Kuala Berang), Halim Jusoh (Permaisuri).

Observers interpret the boycott as an attempt by a majority of this rebel BN camp to force Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said to step down but this was later denied by the rebels.

There was also a heated debate following suggestions by the Opposition Pas that Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said had lost the support of his BN colleagues.

Ahmad told reporters during the lunch break that he knew nothing of a “revolt” by the 10 assemblymen, or whether they had intentionally boycotted the sitting.

He went on to answer reporters questions with “I don’t know”, “I can’t comment”, and “That’s your interpretation” before cutting short the interview.

In the morning, the 10 Umno assemblymen had gathered at the Felda Residence hotel here, citing security concerns as the reason for their absence.

Eight said they were there to also lend their support for three of their colleagues, who late last night lodged police reports after receiving death threats over the SMS. The three are Rosol, Zakaria and Abdul Halim.

The trio was warned not to proceed with any attempt to table a motion of no confidence against Ahmad “if they valued their lives.”

Rosol lodged his report in Ajil, while the other two lodged theirs at the district police headquarters here.

While Rosol’s SMS was said to be sent through the Internet, which blocked the sender’s number, Zakaria and Abdul Halim claimed the SMS they received were sent by a senior official of Ahmad’s administration.

When met at the hotel, Rosol cited security concerns as the only reason why they failed to attend the sitting. “After the three of us received the SMS, the others also felt that their safety was being compromised. So, until and unless, that guarantee for safety is given by the police, we will not be attending the assembly sitting today.”

Rosol said they were now leaving it to the police to ensure their safety.

Terengganu police chief Datuk Shukri Dahlan, at a press conference later, told reporters that while a little more extra security would be provided in the assembly grounds, police have determined that those present would be safe.

This must have not convinced Rosol and the rest, as just before 2pm, they informed Speaker Datuk Tengku Putera Tengku Awang they were not attending the sitting on the same grounds – their security was not being guaranteed.

Meanwhile, at the assembly, the BN assemblymen’s no-show proved to an embarrassment for Ahmad and the few BN assemblymen that were present after they were chided non-stop by their Opposition.

“This is always the case when it comes to Umno, the infighting is becoming an embarrassment,” Abdul Wahid Endut, the Wakaf Mempelam assemblyman told the assembly.

Other Pas assemblymen, during their debate on the motion of thanks, also criticised what was going on within the Umno circle, although there were one or two who also sympathised with Ahmad.

Talk of a revolt against Ahmad’s leadership, through a vote of no confidence in this sitting; have been making around the rumour mill for several months.

When asked by Pressmen on Saturday, Ahmad warned those who went ahead with the motion would face disciplinary action, including expulsion from the party.