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Kes Altantuya – Tetap Mengikut Skrip Yang Dirancang October 31, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kehakiman, Ketelusan.
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Sepertimana ramai telah maklum bahawa Razak Baginda kini telah dibebaskan oleh mahkamah. Dengan pembebasan ini maka benarlah jangkaan awal kebanyakan orang bahawa Razak Baginda akan dibebaskan dan Azilah bersama Sirul akan menjadi “scapegoat”.

Skrip untuk melepaskan mereka yang benar-benar bertanggung jawab, selepas terbongkar pembunuhan model dari Mongolia itu, semakin jelas dan berjalan baik.

Dikatakan terdapat banyak bahan-bahan bukti kes tidak dibawa kehadapan pembicaraan. Banyak mempersoalkan kenapa maklumat sms di antara orang-orang pentiing negara yang pernah dihebohkan sebelum ini dirahsiakan. Kenapa ianya tidak disiasat?

Dengan wajah kedua-dua Azilah dan Sirul yang masih dirahsiakan dari ditatapi umum dan tidak ada mana-mana media yang berani menyiarkannya (hatta gambar kedua-dua mereka diwaktu lain semasa bertugas dan gambar simpanan keluarga) semakin mengiyakan kesangsian orang ramai. Tidak mungkin, ahkbar-akhbar kita yang gemar isu-isu dan perkara sensasi tidak dapat mencari gambar wajah sebenar mereka untuk disiarkan. Mustahil!

Jika begini urutan skripnya, maka tidak mustahil pula setelah dijatuhkan kesalahan nanti, Azilah dan Sirul bakal mendapat ganjaran tertentu sebagai hadiah pengorbanan mereka.

Adalah MUSTAHIL untuk dua orang anggota polis dari unit yang dilatih khas ini memandai-mandai membunuh seorang model bangsa asing yang dikaitkan dengan seseorang ternama di Malaysia (Razak mengaku ada hubungan sulit – di dalam afidavitnya) tidak menerima arahan tertentu sebelum bertindak.

Apakah pula helah kedua-dua mereka dalam pembicaraan seterusnya nanti apabila ditanya berhubung motif pembunuhan?

Namun ini semua adalah mahkamah dunia. Pesalah yang sebenarnya pasti tidak dapat lari dari penghakiman yang Maha Adil dan Maha Bijaksana nanti. Pesalah itu bukan sahaja disiksa dengan kesalahan itu malah akan disiksa pula dengan penipuan dan pelbagai putar-belit lain yang dilakukan dalam usaha menyelamatkan dirinya.

Dan dikurang juga, mereka yang bersengkongkol dalam kekejaman ini akan turut menerima balasannya. Allah Azzawajalla boleh menangguhkan siksa itu pada hari kemudian dan Allah boleh juga menampakkan balasanNya di bumi ini nanti.

Ya Allah – lindungilah kami dari fitnah akhir zaman. Ameen.

Sekian, IB.

Mahkamah Di Dunia … October 31, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kehakiman, Ketelusan.
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Sekadar perbicaraan mahkamah di dunia. Di akhirat nanti Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Adil.

Wallahu a’lam

dipetik dari The Star: Altantuya case: Razak acquitted

SHAH ALAM: Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda walked out a free man from the High Court here after two years of standing trial for abetment in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

The first thing he did after the judge pronounced his freedom was to hug his daughter Rowena and wife Mazlinda Makhzan.

Justice Mohd Zaki Md Yasin ruled that the exculpatory statements in a tell-all affidavit made by Razak at the outset of the trial had cleared him of the abetment charge.

“In the absence of the rebuttal evidence against them, coupled with the fact that there is no legal onus for him to rebut any statutory presumptions, there is clearly no reason for the statements to be ignored and rejected.

“I agree with the counsel that the exculpatory parts which are corroborated in material particulars (by four witnesses) and other surrounding circumstances have clearly negated and nullified the act of abetment as alleged against the accused,’’ Zaki said while reading out his ruling.

The four witnesses were Razak’s private eye P. Balasubramaniam, Altantuya’s cousin Burmaa Oyunchimeg, an old flame of principal accused C/Insp Azilah Hadri, who is a Special Action Squad (UTK) operative – L/Kpl Rohaniza Roslan and Razak’s secretary Siti Aishah Mohd Azlan.

At the start of the trial, Abdul Razak filed an affidavit saying he had an affair with Altantuya after meeting her in 2004.

The tell-all affidavit said they had trysts in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and France, but broke up in 2005.

The judge’s ruling on Friday came after he had perused about 6,000 pages of notes of proceedings and written submissions.

Justice Zaki said once the essential elements of abetment of the murder was not proven on a prima facie basis, “any other inferences and doubts that may have arisen must be resolved, as is trite, in favour of the accused (Razak)”.

“It is not for the court to call for the defence merely to clear or clarify such doubts. I find there is no prima facie case for him to answer his charge. He is therefore acquitted and discharged forthwith,’’ he said.

The trial began in November 2006, during which 84 prosecution witnesses testified.

Also in the dock for the murder charge is another UTK operative Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 37.

Both C/Insp Azilah and Kpl Sirul Azhar were ordered to enter their defence on Friday against the charge of murdering Altantuya near Shah Alam, Selangor, between 10pm on Oct 19, 2006 and 1am the following day.

They chose to testify under oath. Trial has been set for Nov 10 onwards.

Susahnya Bila Orang Jahil Membuat Komen October 31, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Islam, Uncategorized.
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Apabila Prof. Zakaria Stapa menasihati orang Islam yang mengamalkan senaman yoga supaya menghentikannya kerana dibimbangi memesongkan akidah, maka ramai pula orang-orang awam termasuk yang bukan Islam mengeluarkan komen serta pendapat mereka.

Masalahnya ialah apakah mereka yang hendak membuat pelbagai komen ini layak membuat komen berhubung agama? Apakah mereka ini bab-bab usuluddin?

Antara yang selalu sibuk membuat komen ialah Marina Mahathir dalam blognya (saya tak akan link “url”nya – tak pasal-pasal bertambah hits dia). Marina ini memang sudah terkenal dengan pendapatnya berhubung isu-isu agama yang jauh terpesong. Bila dia menuduh ahli Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan – apakah dia sendiri tahu di peringkat mana ilmu agamanya? Apabila dia menuduh pelbagai kesalahan dan maksiat yang dilakukan oleh, apa yang dia sebut, “orang agama” – pertama apakah mereka itu benar-benar “orang agama” dan kedua apakah itu majoritinya.

Yang menjadi masalah kerap yang berlaku dengan apa yang dikatakan sebagai kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh “orang agama” ialah mereka itu sendiri yang cetek agama tetapi berlagak macam “berilmu” dan kebanyakkan pula mereka ini adalah yang dari pelbagai ajaran sesat.

Dan yang kedua, media selalu menghebohkan satu dua kes yang berlaku dan digambarkan secara besar-besaran sebagai “orang agama” yang selalu membuat kesalahan. Apakah majoriti “orang-orang agama” ini sememangnya seperti apa yang digambarkan oleh Marina sepertimana kerap dilakukan oleh ayahnya Mahathir dalam mengherdik orang-orang agama? Ayahnya sememangnya amat terkenal dengan kata-kata sinisnya menghentam agama Islam – termasuk menghina Rasulullah S.A.W.

Kemudian pula, ada seorang yang dikatakan telah mengamalkan yoga selama 40 mempersoalkan Prof Zakaria dengan mengatakan yoga adalah “meditation technique – a science of health and had nothing to do with religion” Inilah yang dikatakan seseorang yang tidak belajar habis bab-bab asas dalam agama ingin menjustifikasikan kejahilannya.

Dan menambahkan masalah ialah ada di kalangan mereka yang bukan Islam dan tidak tahu apa-apa langsung tentang agama Islam ingin menuruti keceluparan mulut sesetengah orang-orang jahil tetapi mengaku Islam. Mereka mula memberi pendapat yang jelas tidak faham dengan isu sebenarnya.

Sekian, IB

Kalau Polis Dah Pengecut – Apa Yang Orang Awam Boleh Harapkan? October 16, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in masalah sosial.
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“The police are there to make a place safe. If they themselves are scared and run away, then how can we hope for others to want to be there?

“It is embarassing and that is why the criminals will always be there,”

Dipetik dari The Star:

Parliament: Cops scared of crooks, so base closed!

KUALA LUMPUR: A police beat base in the Chow Kit area of downtown Kuala Lumpur was closed down because it was in a location that was considered unsafe, said Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

In a written reply to Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohamad Ghazali (PAS-Titiwangsa), Syed Hamid said the beat base was located in a dirty area where there was a possibility of being exposed to contagious diseases.

The presence of criminals also posed a threat to the safety of police officers, he said.

Lo’ Lo’ had asked why the beat base on Jalan Haji Taib was closed considering the high number of vice-related activities in the area, as well as what kind action had been taken by the police to curb such activities.

Syed Hamid said that the police were looking for a new location to build a police beat base that would be able to give “guaranteed and continued service to the public.”

Lo’ Lo’s was the 30th question in the Order Paper and hence did not get a mention in the House during the daily one-hour Question Time. However, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) managed to raise it when he interjected during Azmin Ali’s (PKR-Gombak) speech during the debate on Budget 2009.

Dr Mohd Hatta said that if the police themselves felt unsafe in a beat base, then it would be even worse for the public.

“The minister has to resign if he is worried about the safety of police in that area. Maybe it would be better to put the beat base in army barracks,” he said.

Dr Mohd Hatta then managed to raise the issue again during his own debate on Budget 2009 saying that Syed Ali’s response was not rational.

“The police are there to make a place safe. If they themselves are scared and run away, then how can we hope for others to want to be there?

“It is embarassing and that is why the criminals will always be there,” he said.

Dr Mohd Hatta said if the place is dirty, then it is up to the police to organise gotong-royong activities to clean it up or if they did not want to then they should move to Putrajaya or Parliament.

“And what is this about contagious diseases on Jalan Haji Taib? The only kind of contagious diseases that are present there are sexually-transmitted ones.

“Is the minister scared that his charges will contract such diseases? That kind of thing is a matter of choice. In any case, if this is what he is worried about then we are worried that the police are not above this.”

Dr Mohd Hatta added that the police had to be brave people and that they were a different breed altogether when facing demonstrators. He said he hoped that the minister would clarify his written answer in the House as this is not the kind of police that the people want.

Majlis Raja-raja Perlu Tetap Syarat Anugerah Gelaran October 11, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Kesultanan Melayu, Pembaziran.
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Persidangan Majlis Raja-raja yang akan bersidang di Kuala Terengganu minggu depan ini antara lain perlu menyentuh keperluan mengadakan syarat penganugerahan pangkat oleh istana.

Pemberian gelaran datuk secara murahan kini amatlah ketara. Satu ketika dahulu kita dapati sesetengah negeri dengan murahnya menganugerahkan gelaran-gelaran mereka kepada mereka yang kita kita tidak dapat fahami apakah sumbangan mereka kepada negeri-negeri tersebut.

Ini amatlah berleluasa terutama di negeri Melaka yang “Raja”nya sentiasa datang dari seorang tokoh UMNO pencen.

Kini mereka yang bergelar datuk adalah bersepah. Hinggakan ada yang baru berumur dua-puluhan pun telah bergelar datuk.

Terbaru, Melaka menganugerahkan datuk kepada pelakon Bollywood. Ini adalah “klimaks” penghinaan terhadap penganugerahan gelaran oleh pihak istana – terutama dari Melaka. Nak sebut nama pelakon itu pun terasa aibnya IB.

Hentikanlah segera.

Sekian, IB

[perkataan datuk di atas sengaja tidak ditulis dengan Datuk – kerana gelaran-gelaran itu kini sudah seperti tiada erti lagi]

Ex-cop: How AG interfered in ‘black eye’ case October 11, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Anwar, Kehakiman, Kerajaan, Ketelusan, Mahathir, politik.
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dipetik dari http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/91024

A retired senior police officer who probed the infamous ‘black eye’ incident involving Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 has made startling claims on how attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail allegedly tampered with evidence in the case

In a set of court documents revealed this week, Mat Zain Ibrahim implied that the actions of Abdul Gani, then a senior deputy public prosecutor, delayed the investigation process and concealed facts from then AG, the late Mohtar Abdullah.

Malaysiakini contacted Abdul Gani’s office for comments today, but has yet to receive a response to the voice-mail message.

Mat Zain, who had led the investigation team, made his revelations in a 18-page statement of claim in a RM30 million defamation suit that he filed against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim on Aug 11, in the Shah Alam High Court. Mat Zain retired from the police force in 2001.

anwar ibrahim black eye 010805

He claimed he had been defamed in Anwar’s police report lodged on July 1 implying that he had fabricated evidence relating to the ‘black eye’ incident (left), in cooperation with Abdul Gani and inspector-general of police (IGP) Musa Hassan (while a senior investigation officer in 1998).

In his statement of claim, Mat Zain pleaded innocence to Anwar’s claims and instead pointed the finger at Abdul Gani by recounting how the latter had allegedly interfered in the case.

Mat Zain’s claims were first made public on Wednesday, during Anwar’s sodomy trial in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. Anwar’s lawyer Sulaiman Abdullah had read out the document in court during submissions on why Abdul Gani should not be involved in any aspect of the sodomy case.

However, the media was told not to report the details pending the court’s decision on the admissibility of the evidence. The gag order was lifted yesterday.

rahim noor 01

According to the document, Mat Zain was instructed on Sept 27, 1998 by then IGP Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor (left) to head an investigation team, after Anwar lodged a report that day that he had been beaten up while in police custody, thereby sustaining injuries including a ‘black eye’.

Mat Zain said he had immediately instructed two forensic experts, Dr Halim Mansar and Dr Zahari Noor, from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital to examine Anwar.

Abdul Rahim met him privately that night and told him to conduct an in-depth investigation and “to leave no stone unturned” in order to uphold the image of the police force, he said in the document written in Bahasa Malaysia.

“I was ordered to only brief Rahim and (Mohtar) on the progress of the investigation and given the assurance that no other senior police officer will disrupt me in carrying out my duty.”

mahathir interview 050308A similar message was conveyed to Mat Zain in a meeting with then premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad (right) about two weeks later, to brief the latter on the progress of the investigation.

“During that meeting, I explained what actually happened to Anwar and identified the person who hurt him.

“The prime minister advised me that there should be no cover-up in the probe and stated that the government may set up an independent commission to investigate the case if there is any attempt to cover up the incident; (and if a commission had to be appointed) would tarnish not only the credibility of the police force but also mine,” the document added.

On Oct 16, 1998, Mat Zain said he met with Abdul Gani to hand over his first investigation report, after directed to liaise with him because Mokhtar was busy with official duties.

Gani’s role explained

Abdul Gani’s alleged interference came into the picture when Mat Zain alleged in his court document that:

– A questionable medical report was prepared by one Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof, allegedly on Abdul Gani’s order.

lingam tape panel meeting 031007 abdul gani patailMat Zain stated that he found out there was an attempt to “insert irrelevant and suspicious statements” into the investigation report, especially in relation to “Abdul Rahman’s report which was done on the instructions of Abdul Gani” (right). Mat Zain said he was confident that Abdul Rahman has never examined Anwar physically.

–  Mat Zain claimed he had obtained information that Abdul Gani was on the 30th floor of the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman when Anwar was assaulted and he believed Abdul Gani knew of the incident either at the time or soon after.

– On Oct 30, 1998, Mat Zain personally handed over his second investigation paper and report to Abdul Gani, and briefed him on the details. Among the conclusions were that the Anwar’s injury was consistent with assault and not self-inflicted; and that Abdul Rahim was the person who caused the injury.

– Although two investigation reports had been given to Abdul Gani on Oct 26 and 30 respectively, Mohtar was quoted in the media on Nov 7 as saying that his chambers had not received any such report.

– It was only on Nov 20 that Mohtar reportedly said he had received the report. Mat Zain said he believed Mohtar’s statement was made after he (Mat Zain) had “pressured” Abdul Gani a day earlier to confirm the status of his two reports.

– On Nov 25, Musa informed Mat Zain that Mohtar wanted to meet him (Mat Zain) at Bukit Aman and to visit the lock-up where Anwar was held. Musa and Abdul Gani were present during the visit.

– Mat Zain later found out that Abdul Rahman’s second medical report had mentioned there was a visit to the lock-up (where Anwar was held) and a “reconstruction of the incidence”, where Mat Zain was named as the person who had accompanied Abdul Rahman to the

lock-up. Mat Zain denied this had ever taken place.

mohtar abdullah

– On Jan 6, 1999, Mohtar (left) had reportedly said Mat Zain’s investigations were incomplete and that the latter had yet to identify the perpetrator (despite the findings given to Abdul Gani on Oct 30, 1998).

– Mat Zain said he “believed Abdul Gani concealed important facts from Mohtar’s knowledge” and had personally appointed Abdul Rahman as the medical officer to prepare the report in October 1998. His conclusion was based on the fact that Mohtar had only appointed Abdul Rahman two months later.

– Mat Zain said Abdul Rahman later testified before the royal commission on the ‘black eye’ incident in March 1999 and gave conflicting statements with regard to his own findings. The proceedings came to an end when Abdul Rahim admitted that he had caused the injury to Anwar.

At the end of his court document, Mat Zain vehemently denied Anwar’s accusation that he had plotted any fabrication of evidence with Abdul Gani and Musa.

“The truth is I had acted to the best of my abilities to prevent any party from influencing me to do anything unlawful while investigating Anwar’s injury,” Mat Zain said.

Musa filed a defamation suit against Anwar on July 21 while Abdul Gani has threatened to do the same.

Boleh Lenakah Najib? October 9, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Anwar, Kerajaan, Mahathir, politik, UMNO.
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Dengan pengumuman Pak Lah yang tidak ingin mempertahankan jawatan Presiden parti apakah ianya bermakna secara otomatik Najib akan menggantinya dan akan menjadi Perdana Menteri?

Boleh percayakah bahawa Pak Lah tidak mempunyai perancangannya? Apa perancangan itu – tidaklah IB tahu. Cuma boleh lenakah Najib selepas mendengar pengumuman Pak Lah?

Ada 1001 macam kemungkinan lagi yang akan dan mungkin berlaku.

  1. Mungkinkah Pak Lah akan mempertaruhkan kuda lain untuk menentang Najib dalam pemilihan Presiden parti?
  2. Pak Lah tidak sesekali mengatakan bahawa dia menyerahkan jawatan Presiden untuk dipangku oleh Najib (seperti Mahathir lakukan untuk Pak Lah). Pak Lah hanya sekadar tidak bertanding. Najib terpaksa menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan ditentang oelh sesiapa sahaja. Ku Li? Mahyuddin?
  3. Mungkinkah Pak Lah mensabitkan Najib dengan sesuatu kes yang serious yang “tidak boleh dibela” lagi oleh Pak Lah – maka terpaksalah Pak Lah mneyerahkannya kepada mahkamah? Mahathir sudah beriya hendak serah kepada Anwar sedekad yang lalu sebelum Anwar dihumban ke penjara.
  4. Mungkinkah pembicaraan kes pembunuhan Altantunya menjadi sesuatu di luar kemampuan Najib untuk membendungnya. Tidaklah IB tahu setakat mana (jika ada) penglibatan Najib – tetapi nama Najib asyik disabitkan selalu. Apakah itu antara senjata Pak Lah?
  5. Apakah mungkin hasrat Anwar untuk mendapat sokongan dari ahli-ahli Parlimen untuk melompat parti bakal menjadi kenyataan? Maka Najib akan hanya sekadar menjadi ketua pembangkang sahajalah.

Banyaklah lagi jika kita hendak fikirkan kemungkinan yang boleh berlaku yang pastinya membuat Najib tidak boleh lena.

Sekian, IB

Selamat Hari Raya October 1, 2008

Posted by ibrahimbaba in Uncategorized.
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IB ingin mengucapakan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada seluruh umat Islam.

Maaf Zahir dan Batin